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Member News : 2M Language Services

Translating for the renewable energy sector

By on Sep 01, 2020 12:38 pm

Australia is in the middle of transitioning from fossil-fueled power plants to emission-free renewable energy sources. For this to happen, Australia must focus on developing the use of renewables and strengthening its energy infrastructure. Oil accounted for the largest share of Australia’s primary energy mix in 2017–18, at 39 per cent, followed by coal (30 per cent) and natural gas (25 per cent). Read more

Plunet News: Interview with LSP SuccessGlo—Getting through the Corona crisis safely with Plunet

Interview with LSP SuccessGloGetting through the Corona crisis safely with Plunet

The language service provider SuccessGlo has been using Plunet BusinessManager for business and translation management since the beginning of this year. Founded in 2014, the company offers a wide variety of language services, specializing in IT, Life Sciences and patents.

SuccessGlo had already migrated all of the working processes at its four locations to the Plunet software before the Corona crisis forced the entire working world to make changes.

We talked to Managing Director Steven Zou about choosing Plunet, the reaction of his company to the crisis, and Plunet’s role in this phase. Read more

Member News | RMIT University | 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNITY TRANSLATION – RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), 13-15 December 2019

RMIT University are organising the 2nd International Conference on Community Translation from 13-15 December 2019.  Please refer to this link for more information here


Member News | 2M Language Services | 2M speaks personnel and network security at the 2019 Defence Export Talk

On Monday the 3rd of June, 2M and the Export Council Of Australia led a Defence Industry event in Brisbane where they shared precious information to Queensland Defence companies on how to use translation and interpreting services while ensuring personnel security compliance, information confidentiality and network security which are crucial to their activities.

The session was also assisted by speakers from the DISP (Defence Industry Security Program) and the newly created Defence Export department from the Commonwealth government. Our CEO also led a panel discussion including past QLD Export Awards winners L3 Micreo and TAE Aerospace outlining their global journeys, talking about international procurement challenges and the difficulties they faced to become a successful exporter in their industry.

We strongly encourage any Defence exporter in Queensland to apply for the award and look forward to recognising their success at the Export Gala night on the 10th of October 2019.

The post 2M sponsor of the 2019 Richard Joel Award for the Defence Industry appeared first on 2M Language Services.