Members News

Member News | 2M Language Services | Sponsor of the 2019 QLD Export Awards for the Defence Industry

A leader in technical translations, 2M has historically been involved in the Defence industry working with Defence Primes such as Thales and Airbus or Government departments and agencies such as the Australian Department of Defence. Read more

The new Plunet version 7.4 – Increased automation for an optimized user experience

Plunet BusinessManager, the leading business and translation management system, is now available in version 7.4.

In the newest version of Plunet BusinessManager, many functions and workflows have been automated and integrations further enhanced. Plunet is responding to the changing needs of the language industry and continuously improving user experience as a result. Read more

UNSW symposium invites Language Service Providers to join the conversation between interpreters and Tribunal members

Proudly hosted by the School of Humanities & Languages (Interpreting & Translation Program), the UNSW Legal Interpreting Symposium 2019 will be held on Wednesday, 1 May 2019 from 2.30pm to 5pm at UNSW Kensington Campus.

This Symposium will offer a forum for open discussion between interpreters and tribunal members, with the aim to improve mutual understanding and interprofessional relations in order to provide a better service. The themes will include the different tribunals’ specific needs when working with interpreters, the challenges experienced by interpreters when working in tribunals and the role of interpretation users – tribunal members and arbitrators –  and other stakeholders. Suggestions on how parties can help to facilitate effective communication will be discussed in light of the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals.

A Panel comprising representatives from different tribunals, interpreting practitioners and language service providers will share their experiences, followed by a Q&A session.

To register for the event, or to view the list of panel speakers and program, click here.

News from NAATI: July 2018

CEO Mark Painting, invites you read the NAATI news from the Board.

Since our June issue, NAATI has:

Released our fees for 2018-2019 and updated application forms.