A pdf copy of the Code of Conduct can also be downloaded from here.
The AUSIT Code of Ethics, endorsed by NZSTI, is the Code of Ethics that its members undertake to abide by. Click here to go to the relevant page on the AUSIT website.
Recognising that our members represent a wide range of economic, personal and professional interests in a very varied, multicultural and international industry, the AALC has developed a Code of Conduct for its members, reflecting input from members, stakeholders and other industry associations. The aim of this Code is to present a level playing field in which the AALC can bring the many aspects of the industry together, so we can grow our industry together for the benefit of all parties involved.
The Code must be a living document, both in its application as well as future development. It is my personal hope that all members subscribe to the Code, and that it may become a standard framework for interaction throughout our industry. I invite you to join me in adopting this Code, and continue to further the objectives of our association.
Tea C. Dietterich
General Business Conduct
Member companies shall follow accepted best practices in our industry and deliver outcomes with are to professional standards, including:
1. Capability:
1.1. Member companies shall only undertake assignments that they are able to perform to a standard of quality which fully meets the agreed needs of the client.
1.2. Member companies shall use professionally skilled, competent translators and/or interpreters who are qualified by education, training and experience to successfully carry out their assignment(s).
2. Confidentiality: Member companies shall safeguard confidential information of both present and former clients and shall not misuse such information to their disadvantage. Member companies shall also ensure that subcontractors have signed confidentiality/non-disclosure agreements before handling confidential information of any client.
3. Transparency:
3.1. Member companies shall be upfront and transparent with clients about subcontracting practices, Quality Assurance processes used (if any) and actual deliverables.
3.2. Member companies shall be upfront and transparent with subcontractors about required delivery standards and expected quality.
4. Fair Treatment: Member companies shall be subject to a general duty to fairly treat and provide due process to their employees, clients, fellow members, translators, interpreters, subcontractors, other parties within the translation/interpretation profession and members of the public.
5. Professionalism:
5.1. Member companies shall neither unjustifiably criticise the work of others nor make misleading claims about their own capabilities in order to solicit business.
5.2. Member companies shall engage in conscientious conduct related to soliciting business, in particular in circumstances involving subcontracting.
6. Branding: Member companies shall not use AALC branding as a seal of quality or for commercial purposes. AALC branding shall not appear on any deliverables or any contractual document (such as quotes, agreements, etc.) pertaining to their dealings with their own clients.
Conduct as a Member of the Association
1. Member companies shall comply at all times with the Constitution, the objects of the Association and all applicable rules and regulations of the Association which may be in effect at any time.
2. Member companies shall not engage in any practice, nor conduct themselves in any manner, which is detrimental to the reputation and interest of the AALC or to the translation/interpretation profession.
3. Members shall safeguard the confidences of fellow members and shall not disclose or use these confidences to the disadvantage or prejudice of such members, or to the financial advantage of the affiliate member company.
4. Only the Committee shall have the power to speak on behalf of the Association, or delegate the authority to speak on behalf of the Association on a particular topic, at a particular event or howsoever limited to a person or group of persons.
Conduct whilst Representing the Association
1. Members must not use their position to gain, directly or indirectly, an undue personal advantage, or an undue advantage for any associated entity.
2. The interests of a member must not be allowed to take precedence over those of the Association in general.
3. Members should seek to avoid conflicts of interest wherever possible. Full and prior disclosure of any conflict, or potential conflict, or the appearance of potential conflict, must be made to the board. Once the conflict has been declared, the board must decide whether the member concerned should:
- refrain from voting (this is a minimum);
- refrain from participating in the debate;
- withdraw from the meeting during the debate and the voting;
- withdraw from the board or committees
Breaches of the Code of Conduct
1. Conduct in breach of this Code of Conduct may be dealt with by the disciplinary procedures set out in the Constitution of the Association.
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