AALC Newsletter February 2021
In this Edition:
Welcome from the President | New Zealand Update | Meet the Board | Member Spotlight | Webinar Program | Subcommittees | WhatsApp | New Team
Welcome from the President
Dear Members, Colleagues and Industry Partners
The AALC Board kicked off 2021 with a Strategy Workshop to evaluate the state of the industry in Australia and New Zealand, impact of the pandemic, trends & technology developments and how the AALC can best support our members and the industry at large. Strategy always starts with a high-level helicopter view and deliberations on the Why, the How and the What.
We like to see our members thrive, add value to their clients, grow their businesses and achieve their goal of creating access to information in their own language. COVID has exposed just how vital it is to facilitate access to information for all of Australia’s CALD Communities through quality language services. Read more