AALC President Tea Dietterich voted onto GALA Board

Globalization and Localization Association Announces 2015-16 Board Members

17 November 2014


Four Directors Elected by Member Ballot

Seattle, Washington, USA – Members of the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) have elected four members to two-year terms beginning in 2015:

Manal Amin, Arabize (Egypt)
Tea Dietterich, 2M Language Services (Australia)
Robert Etches, TextMinded Danmark (Denmark)
Véronique Özkaya, Xplanation (Belgium)

Amin and Dietterich are long-time members of GALA who will be joining the veterans on the board.  Etches and Özkaya are on the current board and will begin second two-year terms. They will join three continuing board members from 2014: Diego Bartolomé (tauyou, Spain), and Serge Gladkoff (Logus International, United States), and Jesper Sandberg (Sandberg Translation Partners Limited, United Kingdom).  Board member Joël Sigling (AVB Translations, Netherlands) will conclude his board service at the end of 2014.

 “We are delighted to welcome Manal and Tea to the board, and that Robert and Véronique will continue their service in the coming years,” said Laura Brandon, GALA’s Chief Operations Officer. “They have already shown great energy and dedication to GALA and will no doubt help us to become even stonger and more innovative in serving our members and the language industry. We wish also to express our deepest gratitude to outgoing board member Joël Sigling for the outstanding service and leadership he has provided us these past years.”

For more information about the directors, visit GALA’s website.

About GALA

The Globalization and Localization Association is the leading global non-profit association within the language industry, providing resources and networking for companies working with translation and interpreting services, language technology, and content localization. GALA member companies are vendors and buyers of language services and technologies. They deploy sophisticated multilingual strategies and proven tools to take content and products to markets around the world. For more information, visit www.gala-global.org

About the New Directors

Manal Amin is the founder and CEO of Arabize and one of the very first Egyptian entrepreneurs in language technology. Manal has been part of many boards and councils in the IT and localization sectors locally and globally. Due to her outstanding achievements in the IT Services Sector, she was nominated and awarded the African ICT Champion in 2013. Manal was ranked 77th among the 200 Most Powerful Women in the Middle East by Forbes ME Magazine, September 2014 for her outstanding presence, enthusiasm, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Tea C. Dietterich is CEO of Australian Language Service Provider 2M Language Services and President of the Australasian Association of Language Companies (AALC). Tea is the former Vice President of the Australian Institute for Translators & Interpreters (AUSIT), current board member of ABIE France (Australian Business in Europe), sits on the Advisory Board of the Rosetta Foundation and works closely with the Australia China Business Council, Australian Council of Export, several international Chambers of Commerce in Australia and Europe as well as Foreign Affairs Departments.

Robert Etches is the CIO of TextMinded Danmark. After studying Medieval History and English Literature in the UK, love and life led him via India, Nepal, and the mountains of Colorado to settle in Denmark, where he founded my first company in 1989. A known voice in the industry, he is currently the Chairman of the Board for GALA, and a member of the Advisory Board for Translators Without Borders.

Véronique Özkaya is currently Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Xplanation, and vice-chair on the GALA Board. Prior to joining Xplanation, Véronique held senior management roles at Moravia, Lionbridge, and Stream International. She is a frequent public speaker at industry events. Her background in international politics and Public Relations: one of the many paths to the localisation industry!

Plunet integrates with XTM – New dynamic CAT interface

Würzburg/London – Plunet’s CAT tool interoperability receives another boost with the integration of XTM. The market-leading business and translation management system Plunet BusinessManager can therefore now offer another seamless end-to-end software solution for the automated management of all translation and business processes.

The industry solution Plunet BusinessManager assists translation agencies and language service departments at industrial and service-oriented companies, government offices, and institutions in the management of their translation projects and business processes.

XTM is the global leader in cloud-based CAT solutions used by a large number of freelancers, translation agencies, and enterprises. XTM offers a centralized online environment for the collaborative processing of translation projects by project managers, translators, and other project partners.

The new CAT interface now allows the creation, processing, and control of entire translation projects for XTM from within Plunet BusinessManager. Quote and job calculations based on the XTM project files are generated automatically with the click of a button. The system-wide interlinking of Plunet job chains with customized and project-specific XTM workflows significantly shortens project run times. A seamless resource management ensures the timely assignment of jobs to individual project partners (e.g. translators and editors), and the automatic synchronization of these jobs with the relevant XTM project. The integrated XTM web editor even allows the call-up and processing of translation projects directly via Plunet jobs. Automated software updates will eliminate time-consuming system downtimes.

“Plunet is well known for its far-reaching system flexibility and excellent interoperability with a wide variety of software solutions. The integration of XTM is another step for us towards expanding our portfolio for dynamic CAT interfaces. The resulting web-based TMS/CAT management solution allows Plunet and XTM customers to optimize the efficiency of their translation projects, and adding a project-management oriented scalability by synchronizing all necessary workflow steps,” explains Doris Langenberg, Product Manager for CAT Integrations at Plunet.

“XTM International is delighted to partner with Plunet and to announce the release of the full integration of our systems. This offers our customers an extremely powerful solution – the most complete and functionally-rich online CAT tool, combined with the leading business translation management system. We see that this will answer the growing need from LSPs and other enterprises for a flexible, complete solution that is ready for use out of the box,” as Bob Willans, CEO of XTM International points out.

Any company interested in the new XTM interface in Plunet and the many other options of the integrated Business & Translation Management System, is cordially invited to attend the free inauguration webinar on July 23. Please register here:
+++ NEW Integration +++ Seamless Translation Management with Plunet & XTM

About Plunet

With offices in Würzburg, Berlin and New York, Plunet GmbH develops and markets the business and translation management software “Plunet BusinessManager”, one of the leading management solutions for the translation and localization industry.
Plunet BusinessManager provides a high degree of automation and flexibility for professional language service providers and translation departments. Using a web-based platform, Plunet integrates translation software, financial accounting and quality management systems. Within a configurable system, various functions and extensions of Plunet BusinessManager can be adapted to individual needs.
Basic functions include quote, order and invoice management, comprehensive financial reports, flexible job and translation workflow management as well as deadline, document and customer relationship management. Please ask for a detailed list of the extensive capabilities.

For more information please visit: www.plunet.com

About XTM

XTM International is the developer of XTM Cloud, the leading TMS and CAT tool. Designed to be simple to use, yet powerful enough to cope with the most demanding translation tasks, XTM brings the benefits of working in the cloud to everyone. Collaborate with colleagues, automate tasks and manage projects in real time, to reduce costs while improving quality.

Download XTM Webinar by clicking this link:  XTM Presentation for the AALC

Webinar with Tomasz Mróz

How XTRF can increase your business efficiency and make you more attractive to your clients.

Date: 27th May

Time: 4:00Pm AEST

Tomasz Mróz, graduate (2001) of the Economics Faculty from Cracow University of Economics. During his professional career he has gained wide experience in different fields of activities including media and telecommunication. He speaks English and Spanish fluently. He started his work for XTRF as Solution Consultant and Sales Manager. Subsequently he took on the responsibility for the organisation of the Sales, Support and Customer Service Departments and works since 2009 in the capacity of XTRF Operations Manager. He is also actively involved in designing and planning of further development of the XTRF Management System.

XTRF is a web-based platform that enhances managing translation and localization projects. It also simplifies the communication with Clients and Vendors and streamlines the flow of documents, files and information within projects.

This way XTRF can streamline or even automate inefficient processes and make translation companies offer faster, better and cheaper services to their clients.

The webinar will show the highlights of the system including automated projects, Cat tools integration and portals designed for Clients and Vendors of Translation Companies.

AALC attends GALA Conference in Istanbul

The AALC was strongly represented last week at GALA’s annual Language of Business Conference in Istanbul by President Tea Dietterich, Secretary Adrienne Meakin, and Board Member George Bisas.

The trio represented Australia at the conference and enjoyed extensive networking opportunities among our global peers, discussing every aspect of the language services industry and soaking up the infectious energy and enthusiasm of other conference attendees.

See photos below including with GALA’s Chairman, Robert Etches.

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Localization World Conference

Localization World is coming to Bangkok, 24-26 February and AALC has arranged for our members to receive a 10% discount on the full conference fees. Localization World is the leading conference for international business, translation, localization and global website management.
The conference will be held at the Millennium Hilton Bangkok Hotel.
There will be sessions for people new to the industry as well as seasoned professionals.
More information may be found at: http://localizationworld.com.

WA company celebrates milestone

Translators International, the West Perth based company founded by Jerzy Brodzki, is celebrating its 30th year providing language services.

The mining and resources industry has played a big part in the success of Translators International and Jerzy has up to 160 translators and linguists available to help him meet its demands

Apart from the commercial work, Translators International assists WA Government instrumentalities involved in commerce, trade and tourism.

Jerzy says his office is the only one in  WA offering full simultaneous conference equipment. This means that business people visiting Perth and conference organisers do not have to bring technical equipment with them.

“Perhaps the major development in our profession during my time in business has been the establishment of the Australasian Association of Language Companies,” Jerzy said.

“It is a privilege and pleasure for me to be elected vice president of this new organisation.

“I am confident that those of us who are founding members will enjoy the benefits of the unification of language companies.” “We are enjoying our 30thanniversary and we foresee a bright future with the AALC,” Jerzy said.

2M wins National Multicultural Marketing Award in Sydney

2M Language Services has won in the Export Category of the 2013 National Multicultural Marketing Awards at the Gala Presentation in Sydney. 2M’s Christiane Roll, Director of Sales, accepted the award on behalf of the company: “A great honour to be amongst these top Australian organisations who have shown most creative and successful multicultural marketing initiatives. We are humbled to receive this award!”

Each year, the Awards celebrate the accomplishments of businesses and organisations that have successfully implemented marketing initiatives that engage our multicultural population, and encourage and reward the efforts of those that focus on the cultural diversity of Australia in their overall marketing strategies.

2M won the Export Category for a large project involving dubbing of security videos for U.S. giant Dupont into PNG Pidgin and a variety of other Asian languages, including voice-over production, script translations and adaptations.

The awards aim to:

  • highlight the responsibility of public sector managers to cater to the needs of the whole community and to fully inform all people about their services and activities;
  • promote the advantages for commercial managers of marketing their product or service to every potential client or customer;
  • stimulate creativity in marketing to a culturally diverse society;
  • recognise work of a high marketing standard so as to inspire marketers who are not yet meeting the challenges of a culturally diverse society and do not enjoy the benefits of this market;
  • promote a more equitable representation of our diversity as a nation through mass media marketing channels.

The Dupont security video in PNG Pidgin can be watched at:


About 2M Language Services:

2M Language Services, founded in 1999, is one of Australia’s leading language service providers. The company translates into 150+ languages (that includes indigenous languages as well as complex languages such as PNG Pidgin), and also offers conference interpreting, website localisation and multilingual media & apps, voice over and subtitle production, cross-cultural training and export marketing to corporate clients worldwide.  2M’s HQ is in Brisbane and the company has offices in the capital cities of Australia, as well as an overseas office in Paris.