Invitation to join the launch of the AALC Intern Partnership Program (IPP)
The AALC invites its members and all language service providers to join us for the launch of the AALC IPP and to discuss the development of this initiative.
The AALC is currently developing the AALC Intern Partnership Program (IPP). Inspired by the European ELIA Exchange, this is in response to an increased awareness that graduates from translation programs are not always equipped, from the employer’s point of view, with the skills necessary to begin being part of a productive team without significant training provided by the employer. The initiative seeks to create a multi-faceted approach to enhance professional development by facilitating cooperative partnerships between the industry and academia. The AALC wants to develop an exchange program between language service providers (LSPs) and university faculties, and develop a partnership program connecting LSPs, universities and students to improve the internship process for all.
We look forward to welcoming you, listening to your ideas and needs, and offering you the opportunity to network with AALC board members and AALC member companies.
Where; 25 Burton Street, Glebe, NSW
When; Thursday 23rd July, 2015
Time; 2pm – 6pm
Cost; Entry is free to AALC members, $30 for non-members
RSVP; before 13th July, 2015
Venue kindly offered by the Polyglot Group