UNSW symposium invites Language Service Providers to join the conversation between interpreters and Tribunal members

Proudly hosted by the School of Humanities & Languages (Interpreting & Translation Program), the UNSW Legal Interpreting Symposium 2019 will be held on Wednesday, 1 May 2019 from 2.30pm to 5pm at UNSW Kensington Campus.

This Symposium will offer a forum for open discussion between interpreters and tribunal members, with the aim to improve mutual understanding and interprofessional relations in order to provide a better service. The themes will include the different tribunals’ specific needs when working with interpreters, the challenges experienced by interpreters when working in tribunals and the role of interpretation users – tribunal members and arbitrators –  and other stakeholders. Suggestions on how parties can help to facilitate effective communication will be discussed in light of the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals.

A Panel comprising representatives from different tribunals, interpreting practitioners and language service providers will share their experiences, followed by a Q&A session.

To register for the event, or to view the list of panel speakers and program, click here.

News from NAATI: July 2018

CEO Mark Painting, invites you read the NAATI news from the Board.

Since our June issue, NAATI has:

Released our fees for 2018-2019 and updated application forms.

Member News: Polyglot Group’s New Look

With growth comes change and Polyglot Group has grown a whole lot since its inception 23 years ago. From a one woman show to a global business, Polyglot Group has made leaps and bounds to accompany their clients further than ever before. As such, they decided that it was time to look in the mirror and get to the root of their brand identity. After 12 months of hard work, Polyglot Group was immensely proud and thrilled to share their new look with the world on Monday 9th of July.

With this new look. Polyglot Group wanted to create a vibrant brand that was alive and connected to real people. A brand that reflects our past, our present and our future. A brand that embodies who we are and is aligned with our values of simplicity, empathy, community and most importantly, humanity.


Interested in knowing more about the why, the how and the when of Polyglot Group rebrand story? Check it out here!

UWA call for work placements for their Chinese native students

As part of their two-year Master of Translation studies, students have to undertake an unpaid, six-week work placement at the end of their first year of studies. It is a physical placement where students are part of a team, and contribute to the various tasks involved in the translation process. The Master is endorsed by NAATI for certification as Professional and Advanced translators.

For this year, we are looking for hosts for our Chinese native-speaking students.

Apart from the theoretical units, the course provides training in translation from and into English, and in the use of SDL-Trados, Memo-Q and corpus-based translation. Students also take a course in Ethics and professional conduct.

Should your company be able to offer such a work experience, your duties would consist in supervising the student and submitting a brief evaluation report at the end of the internship. Students have to submit a diary and reflexive report marked by UWA.

Don’t hesitate to contact the course coordinator (Helene Jaccomard helene.jaccomard@uwa.edu.au) for further information.

Plunet Summit 2018 – Early Bird Ticket Sales Have Started

Coming very soon: On May 24-25 2018, the second Plunet Summit will take place in Berlin.

The tickets for Plunet’s annual user conference are available now at a special early bird price of 390 Euro (excl. 19% VAT).

The Plunet Summit provides Plunet clients and prospects with a platform where they can share knowledge and learn from each other. Summit participants can look forward to a unique program: Exciting talks about efficient business and translation management with Plunet, expert workshops, user reports, discussion rounds, numerous networking opportunities, Plunet certifications for project managers and, last but not least, the legendary Plunet party. With over 150 participants, the Plunet Summit was a big success at its premiere in 2017.

The conference is aimed at all translation agencies and language services that use Plunet solutions as well as companies that are interested in TMS technologies and automation strategies.

More information on the Plunet Summit and tickets can be found on the official conference website www.plunet-summit.com

The Plunet Summit ticket includes:

  • Full registration for one person at the Plunet Summit (May 24-25, 2018)
  • Participation in all talks, networking sessions, workshops (e.g. Plunet certifications for project managers), and much more
  • Admission to the Plunet Summit Warm-up Event (May 23, 2018)
  • Admission to the legendary Plunet Party (May 24, 2018)

Register for the Plunet Summit newsletter here

Plunet News – Looking forward to seeing you at Plunet Summet 2018!

Our Second Plunet Summit will take place on May 24-25 at one of Berlin’s most charming locations, the Spreespeicher. The preparations are progressing fast, and ticket sales for our Early Birds will start very soon. In our first 2018 Summit press release, you can find all the information that is currently available. For further updates, visit our Plunet Summit website, or subscribe to the Summit newsletter to stay informed about the latest facts and news of the TMS event of the year.

Plunet News – The Future beings now!

Plunet is expanding significantly. With a total of 12 new employees in 2017 and four more in 2018 so far, we are gaining new impulses and establishing new innovative standards. In case you missed it, you can get a first impression of some of our new talents here.

Plunet News – Whats going on in the industry at the moment?

The development of translation technology integration is one of the top issues for the translation industry at the moment. Industry veteran Richard Sikes has provided us with his insights into the constant challenges and solutions in an impressive guest article on our blog.

Our IT Support Engineer Sylvester Weise participated in the Translation Technology Round Table in California. As a member of the advisory board, he helped to define the topics of the expert talk. The biggest question was about the most important challenges in the industry at the moment. After two intense days of discussions, Sylvester found the answer. Discover it in our review of this event.

Plunet News

“Plunet gave us the opportunity to dream big” – AGATO chooses efficient translation management with Plunet BusinessManager

Berlin, Dubai, Auckland, February 12, 2018 – Since the beginning of the year, the international translation service provider AGATO has been organizing and coordinating complex business and translation processes with Plunet BusinessManager.

AGATO has offices in Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Australia, and New Zealand, and provides certified, legal translation services in cooperation with the governments of the respective countries. AGATO works with translators that offer a wide range of languages and specialities, with a focus on Arabic and English. Plunet BusinessManager is currently being used at AGATO’s offices in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) and New Zealand and will be implemented at other sites in the future.

Plunet’s translation management software offers a broad scope of services

Plunet provides an efficient business and translation management solution in Plunet BusinessManager. Translation agencies, language services in large and medium-sized companies, government organizations and NGOs use the clearly structured software to plan translation projects, automate and execute processes on a central, web-based platform. With a wide variety of additional modules and interfaces, the flexible and configurable system makes it possible to integrate individual workflows. In addition to the powerful B2B software, Plunet customers can make use of personalized customer service and support.

AGATO’s complex requirements need a flexible partner

Due to the growing complexity of their operational requirements, AGATO decided to switch to a different TMS provider in order to successfully execute their translation projects. “With Plunet’s parameter-driven platform, we avoid redundant information, which means we can focus on our goals and dream big,” says AGATO’s managing director Hadi Ghazala.

By purchasing the additional module QualityManager, the company was not only able to implement the quality norms ISO 17100 and 9001 that are required for translation service providers, but also optimize their own structures. The module enables AGATO to coordinate the assessment of individual jobs as well as complaint management for customers and resources.

The training and implementation took place online and in the new, spacious Plunet office in Berlin. Hadi Ghazala looks back on this time with great satisfaction. “The way the Plunet team coordinated the necessary training and implementation was amazing. The sales team, including Sophie Halbeisen in particular, patiently answered all of our inquiries about the software. Our implementation trainer Susan Blomberg inspired us with tutorials that were tailor-made to our requirements.”

AGATO welcomes the future with Plunet

With Plunet, AGATO has found a partner that can meet the challenges of the company. “We are delighted to be able to offer AGATO a comprehensive management solution that strongly supports their major focuses and goals. With Plunet BusinessManager, translation projects can be coordinated in an efficient way and the specific requirements of customers can be implemented. This includes feedback and quality management as well as handling multiple offices and company codes within one organization,” explains Sophie Halbeisen, Head of Sales in Plunet’s New York office.

For AGATO, the course is now set for the future. Together with Plunet, AGATO is looking forward to meeting future challenges and ensuring further global growth.

About Plunet

With offices in Würzburg, Berlin and New York, Plunet GmbH develops and markets the business and translation management software “Plunet BusinessManager”, one of the leading management solutions for the translation and localization industry.


Plunet BusinessManager provides a high degree of automation and flexibility for professional language service providers and translation departments. Using a web-based platform, Plunet integrates translation software, financial accounting and quality management systems. Within a configurable system, various functions and extensions of Plunet BusinessManager can be adapted to individual needs.


Basic functions include quote, order and invoice management, comprehensive financial reports, flexible job and translation workflow management as well as deadline, document and customer relationship management. Please ask for a detailed list of the extensive capabilities.


Press Contact

Awazeh Khoshnam


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Plunet Summit 2018! The TMS event of the year is back!

After the fantastic success of the first Plunet user conference in 2017, Plunet is already planning the next big TMS event: On May 24-25 2018, over 150 Plunet customers will meet to network and share their knowledge in Berlin.

The Plunet Summit is the event of the year for all translation agencies and language services that use Plunet solutions or are interested in TMS technologies and strategies. The Summit will take place at the beautiful Spreespeicher again, one of the most outstanding locations in the heart of the German capital. Read more