How can language companies localize their payments?

Mr. Ariel Navon.
Director, Sales Operations and Marketing Programs at Payoneer

Date: 6th August 2014

Time: 4:00Pm AEST


Join Ariel Navon from Payoneer as he discusses how, in this hyper-competitive age, translation and localization companies can stand out from the crowd by tackling the thorny issue of vendor/supplier payment options.

In this webinar, geared towards your senior finance managers and those responsible for vendor relations, you will learn:

  • How Net-Translators, a leading language services provider, is making a difference through superior payout options.
  • The challenge of wire transfers and PayPal being the sole payout options for language service vendors.
  • How Payoneer can provide AALC members with cheaper, faster and more flexible payout options based on vendor preferences – in a fully secured and compliant fashion.
  • The way to reduce payout costs by up to 90% through paying translators in the currency and method of their choice.
  • How back-office and AP processes such as data collection, validation and payments disbursements can be streamlined and automated.
  • The ease of introducing more flexible payout options such as branded prepaid debit cards and local bank transfers.