Have your say on the Queensland Government Language Services Policy
Cultural Diversity Queensland is reviewing the current Queensland Government Language Services Policy, released in 2011. You are invited to have your say on the current Language Services Policy and provide feedback on how it can be improved to better meet the needs of culturally diverse Queenslanders with limited English proficiency to assist them to access the full range of Queensland Government and funded non-government services.
The new Queensland Cultural Diversity Policy released in December 2013, identifies that a lack of English language proficiency can be a significant barrier to economic independence and participation within the community. A key priority of this new policy is a review of the Language Services Policy.
If you wish to provide feedback on the current Languages Services Policy, please visit the Language Services Policy web page, complete the questionnaire and return it to Cultural Diversity Queensland by Monday 31 March 2014.
It is expected that a new Language Service Policy will be finalised in mid-2014.
For further information, please contact Cultural Diversity Queensland on (07) 3224 5006 or email CDQ@datsima.qld.gov.au
Note from Wayne Briscoe, Executive Director, Cultural Diversity Queensland.